A Conversation with the Bay Area Lesbian Archives
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Event Time 06:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m.
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Join us for a presentation and conversation with the Bay Area Lesbian Archives (BALA).
Rebecca Silverstein will be our guest of the evening to discuss the legacy of Lenn Keller, archive administration, and preservation of LGBTQ Bay Area history.
The Bay Area Lesbian Archives preserves lesbian history of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and makes it accessible to the public. Their collections emphasize the lives and activism of courageous everyday lesbians who found ways to live open and authentic lives — from oral histories, memorabilia, posters and BALA founder Lenn Keller's films and photography.
Thank you to our co-presenter The Archive Project, SFSU Cinema student moderator Lottie Pacheco, and QCP Director Johnny Symons.
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